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How to deal with the remaining materials of the train wagons?

In today’s train bulk material unloading process, the problem of residual material in the wagon has always troubled various enterprises. Regardless of using wagon tipplers, wagon unloaders, excavators, or other automated equipment, there will always be some remaining material in the wagon. At present, most companies still use manual labor to clean the remaining materials in the wagons.


So how can we solve this problem well?

The NEWTECH company from China, through many years of industry experience, has launched a brand new equipment wagon cleaning machine. The wagon cleaning machine can automatically collect the remaining train materials, perfectly replacing manual labor.



  1. What benefits can a wagon cleaning machine bring to you?
  2. How effective is the use of the wagon cleaning machine?
  3. In what industries is the wagon cleaning machine suitable for use?
  4. Is it expensive to use a wagon cleaning machine?
  5. Summary

What benefits can a wagon cleaning machine bring to you?

As the saying goes, time is money. The speed of train unloading has a great impact on the cost of the company. If the unloading time is too long, not only will you have to pay high train occupancy fees, but it will also affect the factory’s production capacity. Generally, the wagon cleaning machine can be cleaned in 3 minutes for one wagon. When used with various automated equipment such as wagon tipplers and wagon unloaders, seamless connection can be achieved. When one wagon is unloaded, the previous wagon has also been cleaned. In addition, the wagon cleaning machine can also save a lot of labor costs. Generally, companies need to equip 8-10 wagon cleaning workers to complete a day’s wagon cleaning work. Using a wagon cleaning machine can completely replace these laborers. For enterprises, it can save a lot of labor costs every year. At the same time, the wagon cleaning machine replaces manual labor, which can completely avoid casualties caused by improper operation or equipment failure and ensure safety.


How effective is the use of the wagon cleaning machine?

While the wagon cleaning machine efficiently cleans the wagon, the cleaning effect is also very good. Generally, the remaining material in the wagon can be less than 10 kilograms, and it can clean the bottom and surroundings of the wagon at the same time. Compared with manual labor, it not only cleans quickly, but The cleaning effect is good, and the most important thing is that it will not damage the wagon. In some specific environments, such as cold areas, materials may freeze, and some materials are very sticky, making manual cleaning very difficult. The use of a wagon cleaner can solve these problems very well.


In what industries is the wagon cleaning machine suitable for use?

In principle, intelligent wagon cleaning machines can be used as long as there is train unloading (metallurgy, thermal power generation, coking, coal preparation, coal chemical industry, ports, coal logistics bulk cargo storage bases, etc.). Most wagon cleaning machines are equipped with automated unloading equipment. Use, such as wagon tipplers, wagon unloaders, excavators, etc. Some companies will use side-opening compartments to unload materials directly. In these industries, a wagon cleaning machine can also be used alone to better clean the compartments.


Is it expensive to use a wagon cleaning machine?

Compared with manual cleaning of wagons, using a wagon cleaning machine can greatly reduce operating costs. The total power of the wagon cleaning machine is about 210kw, which only requires a small amount of electricity costs and consumable parts costs. In addition, the wagon cleaning machine is simple to install and will not Incurring additional civil construction costs, the installation process will not affect the normal use of the railway line and is very suitable for expansion under existing working conditions.


The problem of the train remaining materials has always been a difficult and pain point for enterprises. How to solve this problem has been the long-term direction of NEWTECH companies. There are a large number of steel plants, power plants, cement plants, coal companies, and mining companies in China. The wagon cleaning machine has received a lot of praise in the Chinese market. We hope that this mature equipment can bring benefits to more companies.


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